Welcome! New Nette Rose
Born for the wild ones. With a gentle souls.
Who sway to their own rhythm and dress for themselves.
The Nette Rose name also came at the very early stages. Blessed with two groovy grandmothers, one Rose and the other Nette who both are an inspiration from their cheeky know what they want attitude, classic style, adventurous spirit and inspiring me to get into fashion and sewing. It was a no-brainer from day one who the Nette Rose babe was and how she got her name.
All Nette Rose intimates are made with all the love, always ~ in our sunny Cape Town studio in South Africa.
A small close knit team, all working together under one roof, in one very special space.
We're super proud of what makes us different and what makes us super proud to be in the fashion industry doing things a smidge different, gentler, more flexible and ultimately, kinder.